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Image by Steve Johnson

One-to-One Creative Art Lessons Suffolk and Online

Express yourself creatively
in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere!

Creative Drawing & Painting Lessons
Tailor-made for your personal interests
with Zangmo Alexander MA Fine Art, PGCE​​

Everyone Welcome, Beginners or Experienced!


FREE art materials include:

Pencil, charcoal, ink, watercolour crayons, soft pastels, oil pastels, acrylic paint, watercolour paint, oil paint, collage, mixed media, monoprint, photomontage, photography​


Step-by-Step encouraging, knowledgeable guidance

Creative inspiration for more experienced

Explore art themes of personal interest

Progress at your own pace


Pay as you go - no termly fees

Lessons Weekdays or Weekends to suit you

Gift Vouchers Available Here

Contact Zangmo now for a free discovery chat

01379 897393 or email

Gift Vouchers available here

Student Feedback

"How grate­ful I feel that I found Zangmo on the in­ter­net. One-to-One Tu­ition was a per­fect choice for me, one which I'd love to re­peat. I have no hes­it­a­tion in re­com­mend­ing this to oth­ers. From the first I found Zangmo wel­com­ing, friendly, per­cept­ive and at­tent­ive. She listened to me and ob­served me so well without im­pos­ing; was gently chal­len­ging and sup­port­ive throughout.


An ac­com­plished artist and teacher, Zangmo with her know­ledge, man­ner, per­son­al­ity and ex­per­i­ence in many areas gave me a very be­ne­fi­cial pro­cess to de­velop free­dom in my art work. Com­bin­ing these tech­niques with some med­it­a­tion I move for­ward with con­fid­ence; I can re­lease my­self from pre­vi­ous lim­it­a­tions. Thank you Zangmo." - S.M, Cyprus: Art Tu­ition

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