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Testimonials from art students and mindful creativity coaching clients

I want to thank Zangmo Alexander for her help and support with some serious issues in my life. She is a caring, supportive individual that can almost see into your soul. She has helped me clarify many recent issues plus helped with an "action plan" for dealing with these issues. Her coaching is incredibly astute and personal. I would recommend those of you considering coaching to contact Zangmo.

- K.G. Thetford


We just wanted to thank you for your stu­pendous input today. My son is ex­tremely en­er­gised by the ses­sion and has a clear idea of what he needs to do to suc­ceed in his pho­to­graphy exam.

- P.C. Suf­folk


'I always find myself relaxing and feeling inspired within the first few minutes of arriving for a session with Zangmo. She radiates warmth and joyfulness, with the stillness and vitality of someone who has clearly spent many years meditating. I’ve found her a very generous teacher for meditation, art business and life coaching, and find her one of those teachers who makes a big difference.’

- C.M. Norwich


Ex­cel­lent day. Loved doing ex­press­ive paint­ing.... would re­com­mend it to all.

- R.T, Nor­folk: Ex­press­ive Paint­ing Work­shop


These ses­sions have helped me to define my broad goals, to set short term tar­gets and to find the con­fid­ence to ex­pand and ex­plore my work as a tex­tile artist.

- B.B, Nor­folk: Cre­ativ­ity Coach­ing


I have learned a lot from your as­sign­ments. They are well presen­ted, and tech­niques are easy to un­der­stand. I can see my work im­prove as I con­tinue work­ing my way through the sec­tions, so I thought I'd like to say thank you.

- Sayra R, Berkshire: Be­gin­ners Dis­tance Learn­ing Draw­ing


I have found the 20 hours of pho­to­graphy train­ing in­valu­able. From simply point­ing and shoot­ing and hop­ing for the best, I now un­der­stand how to use my cam­era more ef­fect­ively and have more con­fid­ence in using my cam­era. I look at the world in a dif­fer­ent way, es­pe­cially how the sun­light can change sights I see daily. I also love look­ing for shapes and con­trasts between old and mod­ern.

Zangmo has been very pa­tient and is a very good teacher. She was quick to work out how I would best learn and what to teach me when I didn't really have a clue.

- Sue Ec­cle­stone, Nor­folk: Pho­to­graphy Tu­ition


Our daugh­ter was in her A2 year and strug­gling with her Pho­to­graphy A level. We en­gaged Zangmo to help. It was clear that she had con­sid­er­able ex­per­i­ence with the sub­ject and what was re­quired from the ex­am­in­a­tion board. From the start she as­sisted by en­sur­ing that a strong frame­work was put into place. This had an im­me­di­ate ef­fect of giv­ing our daugh­ter the con­fid­ence she needed to allow her to pro­gress in a mean­ing­ful way. Her ap­proach is to lead but not take over al­low­ing the pro­ject port­fo­lio to de­velop in a con­struct­ive man­ner, fit­ting in with the school course work and main­tain­ing a fresh per­spect­ive.

- Jayne O, At­tle­bor­ough, Nor­folk: A Level Pho­to­graphy


Dur­ing my 3 day re­treat you helped me to identify coun­ter­pro­duct­ive habits that have been in­hib­it­ing my growth and I now see why over-fo­cus­sing on cer­tain ways of draw­ing and mak­ing has for so long been pre­vent­ing me from mov­ing for­ward.  I felt that we made some real pro­gress and that I left with a dif­fer­ent out­look on what I want to get out of the next chapter in my life.  Your ex­per­i­ence as a prac­ti­cing artist, teacher and coach com­bined with the fact that you wasted no time in get­ting down to what really mat­ters to me meant that this was a very valu­able 3 days and money well spent.  Thank you!


I have felt great since com­ing home and my focus is now on find­ing a new home and bill pay­ing job so that I can get mov­ing in the stu­dio. When ready I would cer­tainly like to con­tinue our ses­sions be it on the phone or an­other re­treat day.

- Geor­gina B, Lon­don: Cre­ativ­ity Coach­ing


How grate­ful I feel that I found Zangmo on the in­ter­net. One-to-One Tu­ition was a per­fect choice for me, one which I'd love to re­peat. I have no hes­it­a­tion in re­com­mend­ing this to oth­ers. From the first I found Zangmo wel­com­ing, friendly, per­cept­ive and at­tent­ive. She listened to me and ob­served me so well without im­pos­ing; was gently chal­len­ging and sup­port­ive throughout.

An ac­com­plished artist and teacher, Zangmo with her know­ledge, man­ner, per­son­al­ity and ex­per­i­ence in many areas gave me a very be­ne­fi­cial pro­cess to de­velop free­dom in my art work. Com­bin­ing these tech­niques with some med­it­a­tion I move for­ward with con­fid­ence; I can re­lease my­self from pre­vi­ous lim­it­a­tions. Thank you Zangmo.

- S.M, Cyprus: Art Tu­ition


Sens­ing I was a little tense, Zangmo asked me if I would like to try a few mo­ments med­it­a­tion..... in this short time I was able to feel the warmth in my heart and more re­laxed in my body and mind. I now use this new ex­per­i­ence whenever I feel stressed or have too many thoughts ra­cing and cloud­ing my mind, en­abling me to calmly re­fo­cus my en­er­gies. My re­treat with Zangmo was a most en­joy­able ex­per­i­ence, as her sup­port and en­cour­age­ment has given me the de­sire to pur­sue my love of col­our and ex­pres­sion again. It has been a few weeks now since my time with her in Nor­folk, and something I no­tice is that when I wake in the morn­ings, I have feel­ings of hope and ex­cite­ment from these new be­gin­nings and a re­lease with my own cre­at­ive­ness. I feel I've been given a new gift of life.

- G.R, Kent: First Cre­ativ­ity Coach­ing Re­treat


I’ve had sev­eral tele­phone one-to-one ses­sions now fol­low­ing my first re­treat with Zangmo, but two months later I’ve de­cided to visit again. My jour­ney up there was filled with ex­cite­ment, re­mem­ber­ing the warm wel­come I re­ceived from my first re­treat. It was lovely to see Zangmo again and after being with her for about 15 minutes I began to feel quite emo­tional. Re­lax­ing with a wel­come cof­fee, we talked about the work that I had bought with me, and then pro­gressed onto what I would like from this re­treat. Un­sure of what I really wanted to ex­plore, Zangmo gently coaxed and guided me to probe my own thoughts for the an­swers. I had al­ways felt keen to try large brushes, lots of black paint and on lar­ger paper and canvases. Not hav­ing the con­fid­ence to try, Zangmo sug­ges­ted that I start by using the black paint with smal­ler brushes and paper, until I felt com­fort­able to move onto the lar­ger sizes. My first two at­tempts using black ac­rylics were not good, at which stage, I could eas­ily have moved on to something else. Sens­ing my dis­ap­point­ment, Zangmo sug­ges­ted that I try using In­dian ink. Wow, the dens­ity of the ink was amaz­ing, and I soon moved onto the lar­ger paper. Yet again, I had an over­whelm­ing sense of re­lief, tears of hap­pi­ness a huge sense of achieve­ment.


By the end of my second day I was so proud of my­self, and the pieces that I had pro­duced. If Zangmo hadn’t caringly per­sisted and en­cour­aged me carry on, I would have given up on my dreams of cre­at­ing such pieces. At this point my heart and de­sire were fired with en­thu­si­asm and I was able to eas­ily paint two pieces, way bey­ond my ex­pect­a­tions.


On my third day we con­cen­trated  on oil paints, their qual­it­ies and tech­nique. Quite dif­fer­ent from ac­rylics, the oils I found to be very for­giv­ing, more ver­sat­ile and have an en­dur­ing qual­ity of feel and depth.

The end of my three days with Zangmo came all too quickly. It was sad to say good­bye, but I was also ex­cited to go home and con­tinue this amaz­ing jour­ney I’m fol­low­ing. Again, Zangmo has been in­spir­a­tional and en­cour­aging. Very often, I have doubts of my abil­it­ies to paint, but my time with Zangmo has shown me how I can un­der­stand and ad­dress these de­bil­it­at­ing thoughts that can in­hibit my cre­at­ive­ness and the need to ex­press my­self.

- G.R, Kent: Second Cre­ativ­ity Coach­ing Re­treat


I am a ma­ture am­a­teur artist who en­joys draw­ing and paint­ing mainly as a hobby.  I’ve been to many classes over the years, and still go to a local group.  However, I felt I needed to ex­tend my bound­ar­ies and star­ted to re­search Dis­tant Learn­ing in Art.  I came across Zangmo’s web­site, and dis­covered a teacher whose ap­proach was ex­actly what I was look­ing for.

I had reached a stage in my paint­ing where I felt stuck and stale and lack­ing in­spir­a­tion.  I needed someone to guide me and help me over­come my cre­at­ive blocks. I’ve been work­ing with Zangmo via email and tele­phone, and I have been in­spired by her friendly and sym­path­etic coach­ing. Under her guid­ance, I have learnt how to tap into the emo­tional and cre­at­ive parts of my­self and to ex­press them artistically.hile al­ways being gentle and sup­port­ive, she has chal­lenged me to ex­press my­self in many dif­fer­ent ways – often push­ing my but­tons as well as my bound­ar­ies!  She never dic­tates what I ‘should’ do.  Rather, she makes sug­ges­tions and comes up with all sorts of ideas and it’s up to me act on any which res­on­ate with me.  


Dur­ing the hour-long coach­ing ses­sions Zangmo is al­ways fo­cussed on what my aims and needs are.  I really feel that it’s all about me and my art and she is the cata­lyst that en­ables me to ac­cess an in­fin­ite source of cre­ativ­ity within me of which I was un­aware.

- Liz Reid, Selby


A prac­tising artist and art teacher, I booked onto a 4-day One-to-One course with Zangmo to dis­cuss, learn and ex­per­i­ment with the idea of ex­tend­ing my teach­ing skills to in­clude Man­dala paint­ing. However, due to Zangmo's wealth of know­ledge of Art used thera­peut­ic­ally, in Life Coach­ing and Cre­ativ­ity Coach­ing, some in­ter­est­ing, per­sonal is­sues began to emerge. I had felt totally stuck with my own, per­sonal art work, due to a stress­ful few years in my per­sonal life. After some in depth con­ver­sa­tions with Zangmo, we began con­cen­trat­ing more on these is­sues rather than teach­ing is­sues. Very in­ter­est­ing things emerged, and I now feel that with her help and ded­ic­ated time with no dis­trac­tions, I have made pos­it­ive in­roads to the next step in my jour­ney. A great few days!

- R.K, Lan­cashire


I feel amaz­ingly freed - I don't feel as if I am now car­ry­ing round the bur­dens I was car­ry­ing when I walked in through the door. Zangmo has en­abled me to feel bet­ter even in one ses­sion. I am look­ing for­ward to learn­ing more and prac­tising what I learned today.

- J.M, Bury St Edmunds


What a bril­liant day.... Zangmo - caring, re­lax­ing, em­pathic teacher - will love to do it again.

- R.N, Bec­cles: Mind­ful Draw­ing Day Work­shop

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